Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The March of Dimes holds a very special place in my heart. Because of the amazing grace of God, the might power of prayer, and the research done by the March of Dimes our baby girl is alive and well.

Until this past year I really knew nothing about the March of Dimes. Of course I knew they had an impact on babies and families, they held walks and raised money. But I didn't really know anything more. 

After having Morgan Kate the March of Dimes sent us a packet full of information. The packet included information about premature babies, information about the NICU, information about how to be a parent in the NICU, and so forth. The information was very helpful. At this point in time I still didn't know exactly what the March of Dimes did.

Since that time I have learned. And I am so very thankful. The March of Dimes conducts research. Not just any research. But research that helps prevent pre-term births and research that helps those babies that are born pre-term. Matter of fact in 1985 the March of Dimes funded research that led to the use of surfactant to treat respiratory distress syndrome. In simple words, this research helped Morgan Kate breathe for the very first time. At 25 weeks gestation babies don't have the surfactant they need in order to breathe. The minute Morgan Kate was born surfactant was administered. Thank you March of Dimes! The March of Dimes also educates women on how to have a healthy pregnancy and in turn have a healthy baby. And they provide information to families with newborns in intensive care.

I will be participating in this year's walk which will be held on April 25th. I will be walking in honor of Morgan Kate and her life. I will also be donating money to this worthy cause. If you feel led to donate to the March of Dimes you can click on the purple button in the right sidebar. 

Morgan Kate and I thank you!



Stephanie said...

What a wonderful organization. They do magnificent things!!!!

amanda pyle said...

Yea! Are you getting together a team of walkers???? Let me know! I'd love to help:)

The Leviners said...

Count me in to join you in the walk!
Love and Prayers,