Last night I got Morgan Kate ready for bed as usual, except I used a Huggies Overnite instead of Pampers or Luv's. She slept for 12+ hours and when she awoke she was completely dry. Her sheets were dry, her blanket was dry, her clothes were even dry. The diaper was humongous, but it handled the job well. I would recommend these to anyone.
A few of you commented on the tents and gave suggestions and some even offered me theirs. However, no one really seemed to absolutely LOVE them. I am looking for products that I love. I want MK to be protected from the sun while I try to enjoy some myself, but I don't want to purchase something that is a total waste. So my question(s) for tonight is...
What are some items that a 8-10 month old would absolutely need while at the beach?
What are some items that parents of a baby might absolutely need at the beach?
How often do you reapply sunscreen? (I always reapply after about an hour and a half, but I'm just curious as to what others do.)
You'll need something to shade her with (a big beach umbrella is good), a hat to cover her head and face and a one piece bathing suit (less chance of too much sand creeping down into a two piece) and swim diapers (they don't swell up much when wet). Reapply sunscreen often. We use Neutrogena for babies (SPF 60?). It doesn't sting and lathers well. It's what our pediatrician recommended. Also, take some favorite toys, but nothing cloth, obviously. Just a few things you can rinse off easily.
We're playing the diaper game too! Pampers work for Brayden really well, but I'm sure little girls and boys wet very differently! When he goes a long time between feedings he is usually wet, so I'm going to try those overnight huggies now! Thanks for the tip!
Well...I hate to be the one to break this to you, but your beach enjoyment will all come down to whether or not MK can sleep outside...if so...then you will have some relaxing time on the beach if not you will spend most of your time chasing her/reapplying sunscreen and dealing with sand in unmentionable places. I don't mean to be a downer, but baby beach time for me when mine were that age was fun for about 30-45 minutes...maybe an hour if you can push it...then if they don't fall asleep it gets a little crazy. If they fall asleep it is stick them in the tent(which all of them will be a pain to deal with, but you just do what you gotta do...there is no love for lugging extra stuff to the beach) and you have some time to relax. Or, perhaps you have someone who will take her up to the house and give you some chill time (maybe take turns with Travis). I don't mean to be a downer, but until they can walk well beach time can be a little matter what you bring or do to prepare. We took Madeleine to the beach for the first time she was about 5 months old, and we got some beach time in...but nothing like the old days of spending the whole day (or even morning) playing/relaxing outside. I just want to prepare you for the fact that you might be spending a lot more time in the beach house than you are used to...I know I am "Debbie Downer," but get a few good pictures of her in the water and sand and then be prepared to pack it up...UNLESS you are lucky and she falls asleep in which case you will get some good beach time in...I'll cross my fingers for you. Being at the beach with your family will be great no matter what, and I have a feeling there will always be someone standing in line to hold and love on MK.:)
Baby power is a must for the beach! When the sand sticks to sweaty or wet skin, just sprinkle some baby powder on it and it will brush right off without scratching the skin.
Girl, all I know is that babies needs lots of sunscreen 6+ months and older- you know this already! When we would go to the beach with the Leviners Jason and Angela would take their wagon for Silas. It would hold him and all their beach garb! Other than this and needing a shade tent I can't offer any more advice. Looking forward to knowing what you'll do for your beach week with MK because I'll be needing the same advice shortly!
Love and Prayers,
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