Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Word Wednesday

It's been a long day. I can't wait to put my head on my pillow tonight. Maybe it just seems especially long because I got very little sleep last night. I JUST HAD to stay up and watch the rest of the College World Series and then all the press conferences that followed.

It's also been a day full of decisions, decisions, decisions. But in the end it's been a good day and I couldn't be happier. I also couldn't let Wednesday pass by without a "New Word Wednesday".

-boo-boo (MK has acquired numerous boo-boos this week.)
-Jesse (Ashley and Jonathan's doggie)
-fork (She has been eating like a champ with her new forks.)
-drink (dink)

I'm not doing so well keeping up with all of MK's new words. I promise to try and be better.


Kathy Hardison said...

Looks like another late night for you based on the post! Love hearing all the new things she is saying. LY&MY

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Hey girl! Heard you met my friend Meesh today! She is a great friend and neighbor, and she filled me in. :)

You and I are really lucky ladies, huh? :)