Thursday, November 4, 2010

Today I took Morgan Kate back to the doctor for a re-check of her ears. I was feeling 50-50. One part of me felt like the ear infection might be gone, the other part felt like it was still there. She's still just not herself and she's still waking up many nights and not able to go back to sleep. As soon as Dr. G stuck that ear-light thingy in MK's left ear, MK jerked away and said, "Hurt, hurt". And sure enough, it should hurt. It's still infected. Over one month later and the left ear is STILL infected. Poor baby. We've already tried two pretty powerful antibiotics and MK is allergic to penicillin, so it was on to the big guns. Rocephin shots. Three days of Rocephin shots to be exact. (You may remember we had to use these same shots last January when four different antibiotics didn't clear up an ear infection.) MK got her first dose today, she'll get another dose tomorrow and a final dose Saturday morning. Yes, a shot on Saturday. Doesn't seem fair, huh? After each shot we have to hang around for twenty minutes just to watch for any kind of reaction. The first fifteen minutes of that wait today was consumed with lots of crying, big tears and some screaming. Holding and hugging her didn't work. Kisses to make it all better didn't do the trick either. It took a good ole' fashion lollipop to make my girl smile again. I will definitely be taking a lollipop with me tomorrow and then again on Saturday. Whatever does the trick.

Dr. G is also referring us to an ENT. She's going to make all of the arrangements, so we are just waiting on a call back from her. Oh, how we love her. But she's most certain that MK will need tubes. I know this is a pretty standard procedure and that many, many, many children have it done, but it still makes me a little nervous. I know it will be fine, but there's just something about MK and medical procedures that tend to bring up old feelings and emotions and I just don't like to feel that way or have to think about those things.

While I hate seeing my baby have to get shots, especially when I am the one who has to basically lie on top of her and hold her down, I am hopeful that these shots will do the trick. I am ready for my girl to feel 100%! 


The mom of 4 monkeys! said...

Oh yuck! I am very familiar with ear infections and tubes! Three out of my four have had multiple sets of tubes put in. I totally understand your worry!
I hope the little miracle feels better very soon!

Justin and Jessica Jones said...

I'm a tube mama too with Micah. It is not fun, but it sure does seem to give relief from the ear infections. I hope she feels better soon. Love you!

Kelly Lee said...

Hope the shots work and she feels better QUICK!!! Poor girl and poor mom having to hold her for the shots. Love you guys!

Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

Anthony's got tubes. He got an ear infection in the one ear about a year later and he had absolutely no pain. The fluid just came right his ear.

As for shots. I have to give Anthony 2, b-12 shots every week. He mostly complains before I give it to him. And after I've given it to him, he gets a skittle. =-) He doesn't cry, just whines about getting the shot. Sorta pinching the skin in the area you will give it does help.... and bribery! =-)

Devon said...

oh, poor baby girl! i've had one ear infection in my life and it was are such troopers! i hope that she heals up quickly and if she needs tubes, i'll be praying for peace on your heart.

((hugs)) mama!

Looperville said...

We have been there also with you! Chandler had tubes when he was 18 months old. Dr. Gardner at Carolina ENT is wonderful. He is off of Sumter Street. He owns his own surgery center off 77. We will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Those shots are TERRIBLE! We had one round and after that they referred us to the ENT for tubes. That was back in March and we have been fine since then. I just don't think I could watch Carter go through those shots again. Thinking and praying for you, MK, and Trav. Meagan Brockington

jan kessler said...

Rocephine shots are painful for adults too. I hope she is feeling better and that the shots do the trick. I will be praying for you guys. Hugs and kisses.


Aunt J

The Fricks said...

Wesman just got tubes about 3 weeks ago. It was hard handing him over to the nurses, but before I got two rounds into my knitting (literally 5 min), they were calling us back to come get him. And he feels so much better now. Good luck with it all and if you have any questions, just holler. We went to Dr. Brill and the surgery was done at Palmetto Surgery Center