Tuesday, December 2, 2008

100 Days in the NICU

Today, December 2nd, marks the 100th day Morgan Kate has been in the NICU. Wow! I never expected that we would still be here. In the beginning I imagined that by this point we would be at home starting to get settled in. People often say that things get better with time, but I have not found that to be the case. Yes, we sort of know her routines. Yes, we definitely get to do more with her than in the first few days. Yes, we have gotten to know her nurses, doctors and RT's and we think the world of them. Yes, she has come such a long, long way. However, it hasn't gotten any easier seeing her in that crib each day and knowing there is nothing we can do to make this any easier or faster for her. It hasn't gotten any easier seeing how she struggles with breathing and taking bottles. It hasn't gotten any easier seeing her with all the tubes and cords and such. And it definitely hasn't gotten any easier leaving her each night. 

Morgan Kate has made tremendous progress and I do know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. God has truly been watching over her and he has kept her in the palm of his hand this entire time. We have been so fortunate! I do know that she will come home and hopefully it will be soon. I know that it will all happen in her time. At one point we were thinking that her homecoming might happen early next week or even this week. However, the doctors feel that it is in Morgan Kate's best interest to keep her a little longer. They would like to see her taking more bottles and she is scheduled to have another eye exam. Of course we would all love for her to be off of the oxygen, but only God and Morgan Kate knows when that will happen. Her homecoming doesn't depend on her weight or her due date. It all depends on her progression and what she still does or doesn't require. In the meantime they have started our "going home" training. There are numerous things we must master before taking this little one home. In order to take her home on tube feedings (technical term is OG feedings, OG stands for oro-gastric) we have to learn how to insert and remove the OG tube. So today for the very first time I had to insert the tube. Usually this process makes her gag and cough a little, but she did a super job and I think I did okay too. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Ms. B trains all the parents on different things before they take their babies home. She was so patient and thorough and really made me feel good about things. She is coming back tomorrow so that we can do it all over. We will continue with this one skill until I feel completely comfortable. Once I get comfortable with this we will move on to the oxygen, medications, etc. Don't worry - Travis is getting this training too!

Morgan Kate had a really good day today - which as you all know means that Mommy and Daddy had a good day too. I was with her earlier today and she was awake and alert. Tonight when Travis and I went back we were able to bathe her, get her dressed for bed, weigh her, and feed her a bottle. She weighed in at six pounds and thirteen ounces. Can you believe that seven pounds is right around the corner? Travis gave her the 9pm bottle and she did fabulous. He did pretty awesome too! He is so patient and easygoing. She took almost all of the bottle in about twenty-five minutes and burped really good too. When she finished the bottle Travis passed her on to me and I rocked her to sleep. Perfect night!

Please continue to pray for Morgan Kate's growth, that her lungs will continue to heal and mature, and that she will start taking more bottles.


THE SPIVEY"S said...

I can't believe how big she is!I know it must be frustrating not having your little girl home with you but you nailed it on the head when you said only God nd Morgan Kate knows when that will be. She is a strong little one and I know she is working hard to come home as well. Keep those spirits up and Shaun, Christian and I are praying for the three of you daily.

Anonymous said...

Morgan Kate is now the same size Megan was when she was born. Megan lost 10 ounces over the next few days. We had our first year well visit on Monday and we are now 20 lbs 3 oz. Real food and real milk are on the diet now, but Meg loves her baby food and formula.

Keith, Melinda, and Megan

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! 100 days is a long time. Remember the 100 day celebrations at school? I know you have been marking Morgan Kate's weight with toys. Why not mark each day with something special? Each day she has been here is a reason to celebrate. By the way, tell her Aunt Terry says to not even think about dating until she has graduated from high school. She is going to be such a knock out, I know that will be hard. The boys will just have to suffer. We love you all bunches. Blessings! Aunt Terry

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine the strength and patience it has taken to get through these past 100 days. You and Travis are such an amazing couple and have really relied on God to carry you through this. I am so happy to hear that you're starting your "going home" training. Isn't Mrs. B the greatest?! I think she has the best job ever. :) I pray that your precious baby girl will be ready to come home soon. What a special day that will be!! She is beautiful, and I can't believe she's almost 7 pounds. Wow! Go Morgan Kate!!

Anonymous said...

I know the road sure seems long in waiting for her to come home.
Sometimes Its a real stretch in our faith.
You are such a great example in so many way!!!
Your faith, patience, positve outlook and complete devotion to this beautiful little girl of yours.
I know she will have a great life with her Mommy and Daddy. You both have sure come through in all that has been put before you.
Get plenty of rest because she is coming home soon!!!
Almost seven pounds!!!

Kara Corbett said...

That's awesome that Morgan Kate is almost 7 lbs!!! Good luck to you and Travis on your "going home" training! I know you two will do great!

Kara Corbett

Anonymous said...

Morgan Kate is doing great with her weight. She's a little angel and we know you & Travis are taking great care of her and learning those skills to be able to get her home when that time comes.
Enjoy your day with her...everyday together is such a blessing!
Love to all, The Burlesons

Hollie Heming said...

Heather, When I turned to this week on my school calendar, I saw "Heather's due date" with a smile on today's box. I think about all the time, but especially this week. I know you're ready to be home. I will pray for your continued strength and patience while you're waiting to hear those blessed words from MK's doctors. I still am amazed at your strength and your grace through this entire situation. Please know all of us at school hold you very close in our hearts and we can't wait to rejoice with you once you're home. Love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

I have been keeping up with you guys but have been a terrible communicator. I am so very happy about her coming home and the joy you guys must feel. I willl continue to lift her and you and Travis up in prayer. Bobbie varn