Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today was one of those roller coaster days in the NICU world. Thankfully it ended with a high point on the roller coaster.

Each morning as Travis is driving to work he calls to get a morning report on Morgan Kate. When he called this morning everything was fine, she was doing good and her oxygen was around 31%. A high point. 

Several hours later my mom and I arrived only to find that Morgan Kate's oxygen was up to 41%, she was breathing a little harder and faster and just didn't seem to be herself. She was really fussy and didn't want to be bothered. I tried picking her up and holding her, but she continued fussing and even had a heart rate drop. Of course my mom and I were very concerned. Dr. E came in to take a look at Morgan Kate and ordered blood work just to be sure there was no infection. A low point.

Around 5pm the blood work came back and everything looked great. Thank goodness! Around that same time Morgan Kate's breathing started to slow down and her oxygen needs started to decrease. When we left tonight at 9pm she was down to 30%. Wow! She also took a bottle at 6pm (first of the day because she was finally awake) and she did awesome! She took every bit of it and finished in about twenty five minutes. She even took another bottle at nine and did pretty good with that one too. She was pretty tired by this point so she only took about 30ccs, but she did a good job with what she did take. The roller coaster is on its way back up. A very high point.

By the way, our "little" one weighed in at SIX POUNDS AND ONE OUNCE. Oh my goodness! Can you believe that just 12 weeks ago she only weighed a pound and twelve ounces? God is truly working miracles!


Anonymous said...

Way to go on making the 6 pound mark! We are praying for the breathing. Have an awesome day! Love, Aunt Terry

Anonymous said...

I hope today was a GREAT one!! Hug that sweet baby for me.

Wendy S.

Kerri Roberts said...

Wow---that is awesome! Now you know that slow and steady really wins the race. I love reading your blogs. Your little angel is the picture of hope and strength. Don't get discouraged- she feels yours and Travis' strength and I believe when you get her home and watch her grow up, you will see your strength in her.
Thinking of you,