Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We went for Morgan Kate's re-check today and things seem to be improving. She still has an awful cough and runny nose, but no fever and Dr. G said that her lungs sound tons better. What a relief! Those lungs have definitely had me worried. We are to continue with all medications until next Wednesday. At that time we will return for another re-check. Hopefully everything will be completely better by then and we can discontinue this awful breathing treatments. They are definitely a chore!

Morgan Kate has been a little crabby. Let me take that back. She has been very crabby. I know most of it is because she doesn't feel well and because she is taking a steroid, but some of it is due to these teeth. As of today the second tooth (left bottom) has officially come through the skin. And she now has a top tooth trying to come down. Oh my goodness! All these teeth.


The Leviners said...

So glad she's doing better!

Anonymous said...

So glad she is better!!!!
Soon she will be her same sweet smiling girl!!

The Leviners said...

Glad to hear today that she's improving!! Can't wait to see you all again!