Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let me just tell you. This nebulizer stuff is loads of fun. Loads. Like so much fun that I wish you could all come over and witness it.

Not so much. MK is hating her breathing treatments and I spend more time wrestling with her than actually giving it. I can't blame her though, I wouldn't like it either. But I know it's helping her, so I try and do my best. Not only does she hate taking it, but it seems to really wire her. I don't mind the "wiring", but it made speech and physical therapy quite difficult today. She couldn't focus or be still for anything.

I will say, that all the moving and wiggling around has made her quite sleepy and she has been napping very well. On our way home from speech she fell asleep in the car and once we got home she continued to nap in my arms. While she was napping I decided to watch a movie that I have been wanting to see.

Little background. We recently went with a new cable provider and as with most cable providers, you get like two movie channels free for the first three months. Sounds really enticing and very nice, but the "free" channels turn into an extra twenty-five dollars a month after the three month trial period. And you the subscriber have to call and cancel. Anyway, that was just my rant and little side note. The whole point was that one of the movie channels has been airing this movie titled, Little Man. Some of you may have seen it, it's a few years old. I caught the tail end of the movie a few days ago and became very interested. It was set to air again this morning so I recorded it. I love DVR.

The movie, Little Man, is about a little boy born at twenty-five weeks. (If you click on the link you can watch the trailer for the movie.) It goes into detail about his family, his conception, his birth, his NICU stay and his first few months at home. It was two hours long and I cried through most of it. Most of the movie, especially the NICU portion, contained terms and medical procedures and sounds and sights all too familiar. One of the little boy's mothers was the producer of the movie and she did an excellent job. She really took into account every aspect of prematurity. The toll on the baby, the parents, the family, marriage, siblings, etc. She was very open and very honest and so was her partner. Their case was especially difficult not only because of the severity of their case, but because the two parents were on completely different wave lengths for a period of time.

Needless to say, the movie brought back a lot of emotions and a flood of memories. And as Morgan Kate was sleeping on my chest I couldn't help but look at her, squeeze her tight and think of the amazing miracle she is. And how incredibly blessed and fortunate I am to have her here and doing so well. She is my absolute miracle and the light of my life (along with her Daddy of course).

Please tune in tomorrow for a special announcement regarding Morgan Kate and the March of Dimes!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the special announcement! Thrilled to hear you can cross one more doctor off y'alls list. The picture of Morgan Kate in your Mom's bag is TOO CUTE......what a precious family. Love y'all!


Heather said...

What about doing it while she watches a cartoon or something? We will have to do that because the youngest is starting to freak out when I come near her with the nebulizer.

Kimberly (Anthony's Mom) said...

not sure if you know, but the parents got divorced. And the one divorced nicolas too!! Broke my heart!!! She has a new website and blog if you want to keep up with her. I've talked to here a couple times via email. Very nice lady.


The mom of 4 monkeys! said...

Oh man, I totally understand about the breathing treatments! Ben was recently diagnosed with asthma and is on a daily inhaler and the nebs as needed. It's not fun!
How does MK do her inhaler? We are still trying to get the hang of this although Ben is doing better.

The Leviners said...

Yes an absolute precious miracle! Do I already know this announcement!!!!! If not then can't wait to hear about it and the March of Dimes!!!