Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today we had our follow-up appointment with Dr. B, our pulmonologist. I think we saw him back in September or October and he prescribed MK's daily inhaler. Today was just a follow-up to see how things were going and to also see if MK still needed the inhaler.

Before MK got this new ear infection/runny nose/croopy cough thing, she was doing really well. She wasn't requiring the inhaler and had a lot more endurance and stamina during therapy and other activities. However, with this new ear infection/runny nose/croopy cough thing she looks and sounds pretty rough. Dr. B said he could hear some wheezing. So, we are using the nebulizer for a few days. And after that is through, we are to continue with the inhaler through the winter and then we can stop.

Here is snapshot of nebulizer treatment #1 tonight. Oh, and we have like two different masks we could attach, but MK adamantly refuses either one. So, we use this pipe looking apparatus instead and it seems to get the job done. After only one treatment she sounds tons better.

And the best news. We do not have to return for any visits, unless we need him. Yahoo! The pulmonologist was our last doctor, other than our pediatrician, to check off of our "doctor list".


Kathy Hardison said...

Woo hoo - no more visits to Dr. B. Hope all of you are feeling better.

jan kessler said...

That sounds great!