Tuesday, September 6, 2011

At the start of every school year I give all the parents of students I teach homework. I do it for two reasons. One, to take the pressure off of students and to get them to laugh a little. And two, to get to know my students better. It's a simple questionnaire that the parents fill out about their child and return to me within the first week of school. I've always given it as the teacher and never been the receiver as a parent. Until last week. Last week Morgan Kate's teachers gave us homework. We had to fill out a questionnaire, send in a photo of our child and decorate a "Super Star". I thought it was going to be super easy and fun. And it was fun, but it wasn't super easy and it was on my "To-Do List" for several days without ever being accomplished. I had certain "visions" in my head and wanted it all to be perfect. I finally finished it all today. Actually, I already sent the questionnaire back in - I'm such a good "student", but tonight I finished my star and printed off a photo of MK to send in tomorrow. Each child will have a star hanging in the classroom. If they ever feel anxious or sad or blue, the teacher will take them to the star and remind them of the important people and/or things in their life. I think I did pretty good. My only complaint - the star just wasn't large enough. Ha!

1 comment:

Kathy Hardison said...

Love the idea of the star. Hope she had a good day.