Monday, June 11, 2012

At the end of May, Nolan celebrated his second birthday. I can still remember when his momma was growing him in her tummy and now he's already two. Wowzers. I have super talented friends and Raven is no exception. The girl can throw a party! Everything was perfect and so cute and so yummy!

The "babies" had the best time outside with all of the water toys.

The birthday boy had an absolute blast and looked so stinkin' cute! Can you say adorable?!?
Nolan is one lucky little boy and at one time had five little girls at his party. Ha! He may not think he's so lucky in a few more years. 
He got an awesome four wheeler from his uncles, but he wasn't able to truly enjoy it because the girls took over. Imagine that!
It was a beautiful day and a beautiful party! I had the best time hanging out and catching up with my friends as well! We have all been together since elementary school and now have babies of our own around the same age. I can see each of their mommies in those little faces!
Liz and Neeley, Raven and Nolan, Melissa and Caroline, me and MK
 Oh, how I love these "babies"!

1 comment:

The Leviners said...

It defintely was a fun day!