Sunday, June 10, 2012

Swim lessons are over.
Morgan Kate is relieved. I am even more relieved.
Don't get me wrong. MK had a fabulous instructor. Seriously. A-mazing. And I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with some of my gal friends.
But, let's just say, MK didn't really "dig" swim lessons. She hated going underwater and was least than thrilled to kick and scoop and jump. 
I must admit I was kind of surprised by how she reacted. Okay, I was really surprised. We are around the water almost every single weekend, so she's had lots of exposure. I thought she would just jump right in (literally) and smile the entire time she was doing it. 
Wrong. She smiled three times. Twice for pictures and the final time was when she realized it was all over.
These two precious boys took swim lessons with her and they were troopers. They only seemed to get slightly upset when they saw MK thrashing and screaming. She did lots of thrashing and screaming.
Despite her initial feelings, she did end the week with a big smile (most likely from relief) and she gave her swim teacher a big hug and smile and "Thank you".

I am sure, in true Morgan Kate fashion, she will be swimming laps next summer and not even thinking twice about it. The girl does things when she is ready and apparently she just wasn't ready. Oh well, you can't fault a momma for trying.

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