Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy 13 Weeks, Morgan Kate!

Wow! It's still hard to believe that 13 weeks ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She has come so far and continues to amaze us each and every day.

Morgan Kate was between 50-75ccs of oxygen for most of the day. She stayed mostly in the 50's, except during feedings. She took a bottle at 6pm and did a fabulous job. She is now up to 50ccs of food. Wow - almost two ounces! They have decreased the amount of calories she is getting per feeding, but have increased the volume. She was getting 27 calories, but because of her awesome growth they have decreased her to 24 calories. 

As you can see from above, we were able to help with Morgan Kate's bath. Some nights we just give her a sponge bath and other nights we actually put her in a little tub. When we first put her in the tub she isn't very happy, but after just a few seconds she seems very relaxed and at ease - almost as if she likes it. She did a great job tonight!

We are so thankful that Morgan Kate is doing so well! We pray that this continues.

Please pray for her continued growth and that her lungs will continue to heal and mature. 


Anonymous said...

Bath times! Although that bath doesn't look like anything compared to the one that awaits her at her house:) I hope she continues to have a wonderful week. Can't wait to see all of you this week, we have so much to be thankful for!!! With Love, Kelly

Hollie Heming said...

Enjoy every minute with her! I'm so proud of how far she's come. I can't wait to see her again and finally get to give her a big hug! I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Heather, have you guys done "swaddled bathing" at night?? If not..let me time I have her...we'll do that..:) My sweet baby girl!!

Anonymous said...

Morgan kate You are So Beautiful!!!!!!

Home what a wonderful word that will be when it comes.

You Are Loved By So Many People!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can find some tiny Ruby Slippers and Morgan Kate can click her heels together! We will all continue to pray that you get to bring that precious girl home very soon. It sounds like she's getting herself ready. God is SO good.
Love, Kathy C.