Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's funny how life works. Or how life seems to work anyway. As I mentioned before, last week was not a good week for us. It was hard. It was difficult. It was emotional. But despite all of that, some really good things have been happening for us. Things that make us get up and get going. Things that cause us to think and smile and laugh and yes, even cry.

First, we attended the March of Dimes breakfast last week. And as I have already said, it was amazing. We got to share our story and our Morgan Kate with everyone there. I got to stand before a crowd and speak from the heart. Yes, I did get emotional, but so what. It was just a great morning and any chance to talk about Morgan Kate or prematurity or the March of Dimes is a treat for me.

Secondly, I received an email from my mom yesterday morning telling me about an article in the Orangeburg newspaper. It was an article about the breakfast, the March of Dimes and about us. The reporter did such a good job. She took facts, statistics and bits and pieces from my "speech" - and wove them all together to write this fantastic article. It definitely put a smile on my face! However, I will mention that it feels slightly awkward to see your own words and your own thoughts in an article that everyone else will be reading.

And then today. Today Travis, Morgan Kate and myself participated in an interview. An interview that required big cameras and big lights and lots of questions and lots of talking. The public relations staff from the hospital where Morgan Kate was born is creating a video that consists of five different stories. All five stories are about families that received care at the hospital. One story is about a breast cancer survivor, another about a gamma-knife patient, another about a heart patient, one about a joint replacement patient and then US. They are putting all of the stories together in one video to show the Board of Directors. They will then pull the five stories apart and feature them on the hospital's website and such. Again, totally separate from the March of Dimes, we were given the chance to share our story and our Morgan Kate. And we were also given the chance to talk about the excellent, and I do mean excellent, care we received at the hospital and especially in the NICU. And yes, I did cry during part of this interview. I was doing great and everything was going smoothly.........until they asked about seeing Morgan Kate for the first time. But I quickly pulled it together and got back on track.

Anyway, I don't say any of this to brag or toot our horn. I say all of this because it has truly been a blessing for us. We are so appreciative and so very, very thankful. And all of this has been some much needed sunshine during a bout of pouring rain.


Hollie Heming said...

Please share the link to the interview. I would love to see it. Love you all!

jan kessler said...

The article was awesome. MaMa got the paper and read it but she did not read the article until I pointed it out to her. Our Miracle Baby. Heather, you,Travis and Morgan Kate will and have encouraged so many, just like those who encouraged you that have gone through this. I wish I had known about the Breakfast I would have been there to support you guys. I would like to walk this year in the walks. I am not sure about the one in Columbia but I am going to try. Donations that we have we send them to you guys. Would love to bring MaMa to see Morgan Kate more often. We talk about her all the time Love you guys and keep drawing your strength from Our Awesome God who has given us so many blessings.

Aunt Jan

The Leviners said...

This is awesome! I want to read the T and D about the speech and defintely see the video! Post those links when you can for all to see! I'm going to find the paper online right now!!
Love you my dear friend!

THE SPIVEY"S said...

Well we are all very proud of you and your family. I would love to see the link to the article and the video of the hospital when it is ready. Congrats on everything.