This past Saturday Morgan Kate turned twenty months. Twenty months! It sounds so odd. It sounds so different. A sign that my baby is really no longer a baby. It seriously blows my mind that in just four months we will be celebrating her second birthday. Pardon me while I go cry in the corner!
At twenty months, our precious girl is:
-Usually sleeping 12+ hours at night. We put her to bed between 8 and 9 and she sleeps anywhere from 8 to 9:30. Yes, I realized I am spoiled. Travis says, "She gets it from her mama". I love to sleep! (Just as soon as I type this she will start waking up earlier.)
-Napping once a day, but her thirty minute naps have now become two hour naps.
-Drinking only from a cup during the day. Ahhh, at last!
-Still getting a nighttime bottle, but I have been tossing around some ideas to begin to "wean" her and me as well. I enjoy it just as much as she does!
-Walking everywhere and practically running
-Can identify her head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, teeth, sometimes her mouth, feet and hands
-Has been saying, "mama" over and over and over for the past three days, but still doesn't call me "mama"
-Trying to copy the things we do and say. We have to remember, little ears and little eyes.
-Has a total of nine teeth and cutting two molars
-Loves, loves, loves to play outdoors
-Loves to play on the slide
-Wearing size 12 month - 18 month clothes, depends on store and brand
-Wearing a size 3 diaper
-Loves giving hugs and kisses
-Can blow kisses, but is quite stingy
-Does this thing with her eyes where she blinks or winks for a long time, it's the cutest thing ever
-Trying to put her socks and shoes on (Never thought that would happen!)
-Loves playing in the dog water or any water for that matter
-Tries her best to play with Lola, but Lola won't have any part of it
-Loves to play with my hair
-New food interests are mandarin oranges, bbq chicken and corn on the cob